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Growing Dreams: Andrew Cortes’ Journey of Planting Trees in Austin


Five years ago, Andrew Cortes moved into his new house with a special gift: a NeighborWoods tree through TreeFolks’ iconic program with the City of Austin and Austin Energy. Planted with his 12-year-old nephew from Houston, this tree became a symbol of growth and connection, commemorated with an annual photo taken every year as his nephew grew from a boy into a young man. This tradition planted a deeper seed in Andrew, one that would soon sprout into a community-wide endeavor.

Living right across the street from T.A. Brown Park, Andrew was struck by its barrenness. The park, with only three or four trees sparsely dotting the landscape, seemed to call out for life. Andrew decided to take action, motivated by a vision of a greener, shadier space. He purchased a couple of trees from Lowe’s and, with the help of his family, planted them in the park. The initial task of watering these new additions was a labor of love, involving five-gallon buckets of water carried diligently. “Two trees is easy,” he thought.

The neighborhood’s gratitude for these new trees was palpable. Their appreciation “planted the seed” for Andrew to consider expanding his efforts.

Over the years, Andrew has planted a dozen trees in T.A. Brown Park. While the workload of watering these new trees is considerable, his systematic approach has proven successful. Trees in the ground for two years require less attention, allowing him to cycle through and take on 3-4 new trees annually. His dedication has borne fruit, with only one tree lost to storms and drought.

Andrew’s efforts have transformed the park. He recently saw a neighbor with a baby enjoying the shade provided by one of the new trees, a moment that encapsulated the essence of his work. “The more we get planted out there, then the more it will grow,” he reflects. His rule during the drought was simple yet effective: give each tree a hand-watering each week. This regular, systematic care is what has helped his trees endure.


Andrew’s journey is a testament to the power of individual initiative and community spirit. His dedication has not only brought life to a once-barren park but has also inspired others to dream of a greener future. Through the simple act of planting trees, Andrew Cortes is growing more than just foliage; he’s nurturing a legacy of care, connection, and hope for generations to come.




The NeighborWoods program is a partnership with the City of Austin and Austin Energy.


Héctor González, Marketing & Communications Coordinator created this article, sourced from interview notes provided by Elle Ignatowski, our Communications & Media Manager.